January 20, 2012

Who Knew Your Face Needed A Workout Too

Chin & Jaw Line Exercise
The face and scalp is comprised of 10 groups of muscles. If the muscles are not toned, the face will sag and take on an older appearance. Exercises that target the chin and jaw muscles can help reduce the appearance of a double chin, tighten sagging skin and give the jaw line a more contoured appearance.


Before beginning a facial exercise routine as when exercising body muscles, it is advisable to warm-up. Massage the face by moving the tips of your fingers in circular motions. Additionally, drink a large glass of water and moisten the face with warm water, as well-hydrated, warm skin is more flexible than cold, dry skin.

Chin Toner

Carole Maggio, creator of "Facercise," endorses the chin toner exercise to firm the neck, chin and jaw line. Sit up straight while holding your chin slightly up. Smile with your mouth closed; your teeth should not be visible. Place one hand at the bottom of your throat and pull the skin of the neck firmly downward. At the same time look up and tilt your head back. You will notice a strong tug on the chin and neck muscles. Return your head to its normal position and repeat 35 times. Maggio advises performing the exercise twice daily for optimal results.

Tongue Press

Place your thumb tips under your chin and press slightly. Work the platysma, which is a large flat muscle that runs from the tip of the chin to the chest, by pushing your tongue against the top of your mouth. You should feel the muscle moving against your thumbs. Repeat 10 times. Marie-VĂ©ronique Nadeau, author of "The Yoga Facelift," says this will tighten and prevent sagging folds of skin that may appear under the chin.


New York yoga practitioner Annelise Hagen recommends an exercise she calls "bumblebees" to work the cheeks, jaw and lips. Inhale through your nose and move your lips to make a chewing sound. Exhale through the nose and make a vibrating "mmm" sound, while continuing to chew. Repeat during four breaths.

Head Lift

Lie down on a bed and allow your head to hang over the edge. Slowly lift your head up toward your chest and hold the position while counting to 10. Relax and gradually lower your head down. Repeat five times daily to help tighten the chin and jaw.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/335804-chin-jaw-line-exercise/#ixzz1k1n15cMg

1 comment:

  1. I already have the ol' double chin and jawls going on. As I lose weight and get older, I'm really gonna be saggin'. This is definitely something to try!
