January 22, 2012

My Fitness Pal

myfitnesspal is a great online website to help track your food and water intake as well as log your daily exercises and keep track of your weight and body measurements. The best part? We can all link up to each other as friends to help encourage, support and cheer each other on. For me, it makes me accountable because although you can't see what I eat during the day, you can see if I met my calorie goal! Everytime I log in to record my meal or exercise program, I can see all of you on there and I know I'm not doing this alone! If you haven't already joined My Fitness Pal, do it today! Leave a comment under this post and let us know you've signed up so we can make sure we are all connected.


  1. I joined yesterday as CarroleeH. Not too original I know. You are right, it helps to see everyone else on there meeting their goals.

  2. I tried to put my counter on, but it's not an option for authors. Unless I'm not doing it right?

  3. I'm signed up as TheRealSlimLady...as opposed to The Real Slim Shady. Silly, I know. That's what happens when you have your teenagers help you come up with a name. I told them it needed to be positive, and that's what we came up with. I really do like Eminem, but after his music is edited there isn't much left to listen to. ;)
